SA&AP Depots - Ingleside, TX

The SA&AP depot in 1996, now owned by the Ingleside Chamber of Commence.

The Ingleside depot was built either in 1895 or 1903. The depot was closed in 1954 has moved at least 4 times! The first move was to an area farmer in 1954 for use as a storage building. The second move occurred after DuPont bought the farm and donated the depot to a railroad display near the Corpus Christi Science Museum where it was restored. After the display failed, the depot moved a third time in late 1983 or early 1984 back to or near its original location in Ingleside along the railroad. This trip was made by barge across Corpus Christi Bay. The depot was restored after arriving in Ingleside. Soon, it made its forth move to its current location, a few blocks away from the railroad. Somewhere along the way the building got smaller, probably during the first move. Photos before the depot ever moved show a much larger structure.

It currently in use as the home of the Chamber of Commerce as of July 1996. The track is still in use in Ingleside. The Chamber planned to move the building back again to the railroad and restore its railroad identity. The current address is 501½ San Angelo. It is located on a common drive for City Hall and the Library near the intersection of San Angelo Avenue and Waco Street.

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Last Revised: 11/17/2007